Difference between Infant Formula and Toddler Formula

Key Difference: Infant formula is a food supplement for feeding to babies under one year of age. On the other hand, Toddler formulas are designed and marketed for children between 1 and 3 years of age. Toddler formulas tend to have high amount of calcium, iron and phosphorous in comparison to Infant formulas.

Infant and Toddler formulas are basically commercial formulas which are manufactured under sterile conditions. They are designed and marketed as a product that provides various nutrients to the young ones. Infant formula has ingredients which focus more on the nutritional requirement of a child under one year of age. On the other hand, toddler formula tends to focus more on the nutritional requirement of a child from one to two years of age.

These formulas are generally cow’s milk based. Hydrolysed formulas are those which contain broken down form of proteins. In addition to these, soy-based formulas are also available in the market for babies with lactose intolerance.

An infant formula works as an alternative to breastfeeding for women who have some problems regarding breastfeeding or just do not want to breastfeed their children. Instant and toddler formula tends to be the same in many of the nutritional values provided by them. However, due to the growing demands of toddlers, higher levels of calcium, iron and phosphorus are included in the toddler formulas.


Associations like World health Organization recommends breastfeed as the best for babies rather than opting infant formulas. These formulas are also being criticized for some related health hazards due to flavoring or some other practices. Thus, it is always recommended to take an advice from a doctor regarding the use of these formulas.

Infant and Toddler formulas focus on children with different age groups. Toddler formulas tend to have high amount of calcium, iron and phosphorous in comparison to Infant formulas.

Comparison between Infant Formula and Toddler Formula:


Infant Formula

       Toddler Formula          


Designed and marketed for 1 to 12 months old baby

Designed and marketed for 1 to 3 years of age

Levels of Calcium, iron and phosphorous

Comparatively less

Comparatively more


Enfamil Infant –

Contains Choline and DHA

Enfagrow® Toddler Transitions™ formulas –

Contains calcium, vitamin D and other nutrients

Preferred by

Mothers who cannot breastfeed their children

Parents give it their children who do not eat enough to get adequate nutrition or have a less-than desirable diet

Image Courtesy: dontmakemenuts.com, babystore.co.nz

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