Difference between Freelancer and Part Time Worker

Key Difference: As the name suggests, a part time worker is someone who works part time. They are an employee of the company and still are answerable to the company. A Freelancer, on the other hand, is self-employed. They don’t work for any company as an employee, instead it can be said that they are more of a contractor.

Part Time WorkerAt times it may seem difficult to differentiate between a freelancer and part time worker, after all they seem to be able to be very similar. However, they have quite a few differences between them.

As the name suggests, a part time worker is someone who works part time. They are an employee of the company and still are answerable to the company. An employee is considered full time if they typically work about 40 hours a week, which is the usual 9 to 5. An employee is considered to be part time if they work 30 hours or less. They may have fixing timing, or may work in shifts, which is typically more common, especially in the retail and food industry.

A Freelancer, on the other hand, is self-employed. They don’t work for any company as an employee, instead it can be said that they are more of a contractor. They are instead hired for a particular project and paid for the work they do. They may be paid per project or per hour. Here, the company is more of a client that has hired the freelancer to work for them on a project. The relationship between them ends when the work the freelancer is hired for is done. If they both choose, they can continue or renew their relationship if it works for both.  

It should be noted that as the freelance is not an employee of the company, they are not eligible for any employee benefits. Whereas, as an employee, the part time work may have access to some if not all of the employee benefits that full time employees do.

FreelancerStill, the primary difference between a freelancer and a part time worker is that the part time worker is still an employee of the company, even if they don’t work as many hours or may have slightly more flexibility in their schedules, they are still employed by the company. Alternately, they may get less benefits and less pay as compared to a full time employee. A freelancer, on the other hand, has complete freedom over their schedule. They decide who they work for and when.

Comparison between Freelancer and Part Time Worker:



Part Time Worker


Someone who is hired to do a particular work and is paid for it.

An employee who works for a company part time, i.e. less than 30 hours a week.

Job Description

Works on a particular project or task for a particular outcome

Works as an employee of a company but works less hours than a full time employee


Varies, but will usually have enough experience to run their own business and get clients

Varies, may be skilled or unskilled, may have prior experience or may not.


Skilled in their field

May or may not be skilled


Is typically not eligible for employee benefits

Still may be eligible for some, if not all of the employee benefits


May be paid by the hour or as per project. Usually paid more than a part-time worker

May be paid by the hour or may have a fixed weekly or monthly salary. Usually paid less than a freelancer. Commonly makes minimum wage.


Decided by self

Either fixed or decided by management

Reference: Wikipedia (Freelancer and Part Time Worker), The Balance, Envato-tuts+
Image Courtesy: lexisnexis.com, fivestarsandamoon.com

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