Difference between Amendment and Revision

Key Difference: The main difference between the terms is that amendment means to add or remove something from the original, while revision implies making changes to the original. These changes can be small or big.

The terms ‘Amendment’ and ‘Revision’ are often used together as in their roots, both terms refer to making changes. However, even though the two terms are often used interchangeably, it does not mean that they should. In technicality, the terms have two different contexts and should be used properly.

According to Oxford Dictionaries, the term amendment means “A minor change or addition designed to improve a text, piece of legislation, etc,” whereas revision is defined as “the action of revising” something.

Taking that into context, the main difference between the terms is that amendment means to add or remove something from the original, while revision implies making changes to the original. These changes can be small or big. While there is some overlap between the contexts of the terms, such as amending something is technically changing it and as it revising it. However, depending on how they are used, the implication of the terms is different and hence they should be used appropriately.

The words Amendment and Revision are often used together in relation to constitution and law. There are times when the meanings of words are changed in a legal framework, however in this case their meanings remain quite close to the original.

In terms to constitution and law, an amendment is a change or addition to an existing law. This amendment seeks to improve or update a law, or to offer clarification to a certain aspect of the law. The term in the United States of America is used to refer to an article that is added to the US Constitution. Even here, the amendment refers to an addition to the US Constitution.

A revision, on the other hand, is through re-examination of the entire law. This is done to make changes or alterations in the law. Again, these changes can be small, as in removing or updating a small section, or they can be big, as in changing and updating a significant portion of the law.

Comparison between Amendment and Revision:




Definition (Oxford Dictionaries)

A minor change or addition designed to improve a text, piece of legislation, etc.

An article added to the US Constitution

The action of revising

A revised edition or form of something


Add or improve to the existing object or article.

To make changes to something that already exists.

In terms of the Constitution

To add guidelines, clarifications, or new provisions to a law that is already passed.

To re-examine the entire law and to make changes or alterations in the law.

Image Courtesy: cliparthut.com, chauncyschool.com

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