Difference between Grilled Chicken and Sizzler Chicken

Key difference: Two popular ways for serving chicken is grilled chicken and sizzler chicken. The main difference between grilled chicken and sizzler chicken is the manner in which they are prepared. Grilled chicken is prepared on a grill, a barbecue or a barbecue stove. Sizzler chicken, on the other hand, is cooked in a heated pan smeared with oil and is served on an iron plate.

Chicken is common and quite a popular food source around the world. Majority of people in varying regions and cultures cook and eat chicken. Due to its popularity, there are many ways to cook chicken. It was can be made into sausages, skewered, grilled, breaded, deep-fried, roasted, baked, broasted, and used in various curries. Chicken can be put in salads or tacos, or it can be served as fried chicken, chicken nuggets, chicken lollipops, Buffalo wings, etc. Two popular ways for serving chicken is grilled chicken and sizzler chicken.

The main difference between grilled chicken and sizzler chicken is the manner in which they are prepared. Grilled chicken is prepared on a grill, a barbecue or a barbecue stove. It has a nice charred smell and taste to it and can be often distinguished by black char lines across the chicken.

Sizzler chicken, on the other hand, is cooked in a heated pan smeared with oil and is served on an iron plate. The name, sizzler chicken come from the sizzling sound that the chicken makes as it is served on the iron plate due to the butter on the plate.

Furthermore, grilled chicken is far easier to prepare than sizzler chicken, as it requires less materials to prepare and fewer steps. Both processes require one to cut and clean the chicken. They also require that the chicken be marinated and proofed for cooking. In terms of ingredients, grilled chicken requires less than sizzler chicken.

To prepare grilled chicken, one requires the marinated chicken, a little or not oil, and the grill or barbecue. The marinated chicken can then be drizzled with oil (optional) and directly grilled on a hot barbecue. Sizzler chicken however requires more including the marinated chicken, oil, butter a pan and iron plates. The chicken needs to be cooked a heated pan smeared with oil. While, the chicken is cooking, the iron plates need to be heated and smeared with butter. Once the chicken is cooked, it needs to be served on the hot iron plates.

Essentially in comparison grilled chicken is healthier than sizzler chicken, as it requires little or no oil in preparation.

Image Courtesy: seriouseats.com, gourmetindia.com

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