Difference between Judo and Jiu Jitsu

Key difference: Judo is a modern form of Japanese martial art form and a combat sport, Jiu Jitsu is an oldest and traditional Japanese martial art form. Judo has its origin from Jiu Jitsu.

Judo is a derivative of early Jiu Jitsu, it is form of martial arts and a combat sports, which is much more enhanced and appreciated in the world today. It was created by Professor Jigoro Kano (1860-1938), who promoted the sports form throughout his life. In 1964, it was introduced into the Olympic Games. It is art form with no aggression, but with thorough dedication and hard work.

The term Judo consists of two Japanese characters:


Do- "the way"

Judo follows many ethics and moral values; it’s a sport which follows respect and prestige of oneself along with the opponents. It has its own culture, systems, heritage, customs, and traditions. Its actions and basics are totally based upon the art of gentleness and calmness. Judo’s techniques are often considered to be complex as they require time, effort and energy, which are obtained by rigorous physical and mental training. Today, it has become a competitive sport; the opponent is thrown onto the ground by an applied force along with executing choke, strange hold or joint lock. It is most efficient and well mannered type of martial art in which both the fighter as well as the opponent is respected. Today the martial art is practiced by more than 20 millions of individuals; also, it has also become one of the most famous forms of Martial Arts in the world. Judo applies these techniques safely and without hurting opponents:

  • Judo does not involve kicking, punching, or striking techniques of any kind.
  • Judo does not involve the application of pressure against the joints to throw an opponent.
  • Judo involves no equipment or weapons of any sort.

Ju Jitsu also called as Jujitsu, Ju-Jutsu or Ju-Jitsu, is a traditional form of Japanese Martial Art. It was originated around 2500 years ago; and was founded by Takenouchi Hisamori, a military tactician and lord from Mimasaka Province. The martial art form was developed and practiced during the Sengoku period of the Muromachi period.

The term, Jujutsu can be translated as:

"Jū"- gentle, soft, supple, flexible, pliable, or yielding

"Jutsu"- art or technique

It generally represents manipulating the opponent's force against the practitioner rather than confronting it with one's own force.

Ju Jitsu is an ancient, martial art form which works on the principles of utilization of attacker’s energy. It belongs to the Samurai’s of the feudal Japan. In this art form, the practitioner defeats the opponents by the close combat method and does not uses the direct attack strategy, rather the practitioner utilizes the opponent’s energy to make him fall down. The art form is commonly addressed as "Way of Flexibility". In the previous era, it was initialized with a motive of fight and real aggression. Typically, its systems comprises of throwing, immobilizing and pinning, joint-locking, choking, and strangling technique. In Jujutsu, the practitioners train an individual learner with many potentially fatal moves. Today, the art form contains many facets, due to which it has become the foundation for a variety of styles and derivations. There are commonly four forms of Jujutsu:

  • Sport
  • Grappling
  • Self defence and awareness
  • The total martial art

Comparison between Judo and Jiu Jitsu:



Jiu Jitsu

Short description

Judo is a sport of unarmed combat derived from ju-jitsu and intended to train the body and mind.

Jiu Jitsu is a Japanese system of unarmed combat and physical training.

Movements and actions

Judo is purely throwing, ground work, strangles and arm locks.

Ju Jitsu has strikes and blocks.


Judo practitioner is called a Judoka.

Jiu Jitsu practitioners are called as Nihon Koryu Jujutsu.


Judo do not implement with any type of weapon usages.

Jujitsu employs knives, weighted chains, and helmet smasher.


It was originated and developed from Jiu Jitsu.

It is a martial art of wide concepts in itself.

It is

It is a modern form of combat sport.

It is a traditional form of martial art form.


It was developed with a motive of peace and respect.

It was developed with a motive of fight and war.


It is a part of Olympics.

It is not a part of Olympics.


  • Throwing Techniques (Nage Waza)
  • Standing Techniques (Tachi Waza)
  • Sacrifice Techniques (Sutemi Waza)
  • Grappling Techniques (Katame Waza)
  • Striking Techniques (Atemi Waza)
  • Throwing Techniques (Nage Waza)
  • Joint Manipulation (Kensetsu Waza)
  • Strangulation or Choking Techniques (Shime Waza)
  • Ground Techniques (Katami Waza)
  • Vital and nerve point striking and manipulation

Image Courtesy: 12most.com, guildfordmartialarts.com

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